The ink flows as I worship on paper with the words from my heart. The raw love and acceptance of myself. The power, strength and hunger for the Lord is beginning to flow like a mighty rushing river.

I release every dark part of my heart into the hands of my loving heavenly Father. Words out of my mouth can’t be expressed, so I let the ink flow, flow, flow onto the pages.

I’m at a higher place and I don’t know how I got here. A freedom I used to dream of that I’m walking in has become my reality. Today is a beginning of a real new me.

The sly smile goes across my face because I can worship the Lord with the words on paper. The Lord and I have a love relationship that goes deep. My heart flows the healing oil of His precious Holy Spirit.

I feel free….

Much love,

Beautiful Black Cat



I absolutely love putting it in writing! When I write I release a part of me that was hidden from the world. For years I would only write to help me navigate through this thing called life, however, writing has become my closest friend. I am a self-published author with a desire to help people know there is always HOPE. Hope for a better tomorrow, hope to live another day, and HOPE TO KNOW LIFE DOES GET BETTER. To my readers, I say "Live FREE and Die WELL" (Quote from the Rock in the movie Scorpion King~lol). Hope is always found in letting go.

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6 thoughts on “A WRITERS WORSHIP”

  1. Sis, may our heavenly father continue to bless your flowing pen with thoughts of encouragement.

    Love you much πŸ‘πŸ‘ΌπŸ™πŸ™πŸ’―

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